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SMUD Request for Input on Ward Boundries

Dear East Sacramento Preservation, We’re in the process of adjusting the boundaries of the wards represented by our elected Board members. As your community-owned, not-for-profit electric utility, we make these adjustments every 10 years to ensure our customers have fair and equitable representation by their Board members. You’re invited to comment on the proposed redistricting in two virtual public meetings that will take place on: November 4: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  |  Add to calendar December 15: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  |  Add to calendarThe Board is scheduled to vote on redistricting in January 2022. Visit to:get details about the process. see maps. sign up for notifications. 
Learn more
Please reach out to us at 1-888-742-7683 or with the date and time of your next meeting if you’d like us to attend and share information. Sincerely, SMUD Customer Service
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Our City’s Future—Important Community Forum, Speakers and Detailed Information

Community Forum:

Protecting Neighborhoods, Trees, and Affordable Housing Under SB 9, SB 10,
and Sacramento’s General Plan  

November 1, 2021, 6:30-7:30pm via zoom.
Register now.


Special Guest Yorba Linda Mayor Peggy Huang. Mayor Huang is an attorney, a graduate of McGeorge Law School, and a former resident of Sacramento’s Oak Park neighborhood.

Other panelists include Councilmember Jeff Harris (tentative), Sacramento planning staff and representatives from Trees4Sac and Save Sacramento Neighborhoods. All City Councilmembers have been invited.  Presentations will be followed by Q & A.

Forum co-hosts include: Bless Child Community Association, East Sacramento Preservation, Elmhurst Neighborhood Association, Meadowview Neighborhood Association, North Natomas Community Coalition, Natomas Community Association, Save Sacramento Neighborhoods.

SB 9 and SB 10, which effectively eliminate single family zoning throughout California, have now become law and will take effect January 1, 2022. The City of Sacramento General Plan still includes upzoning of R-1 to allow six units on a single family lot, SB 9 would allow up to 8 units and SB 10 would allow up to 14 units on what is now one single family lot.

None of these densification measures will provide affordable housing and all of them pose potential problems including: gentrification & displacement; environmental impacts including loss of trees; infrastructure impacts; and decreasing  the quality of life that people of all racial and economic groups seek in single family neighborhoods.  

Speakers will address:

1) How SB 9 and other densification proposals affects cities, including impacts on neighborhoods, affordable housing, and trees.

2) How Sacramento can mitigate the potential harmful impacts of SB 9 and SB 10 and the proposed General Plan upzoning.

3) Current City of Sacramento plan for implementing SB 9, SB 10, the current status of the proposed General Plan upzoning, and how public input will be included in the development of these proposals.

4) Statewide efforts to address SB 9 and SB 10 including the statewide initiative to overturn SB 9 and SB 10 and restore land use control to local governments, the pending lawsuit to stop SB 10, and what other cities and counties are doing to protect their neighborhoods in light of SB 9 and SB.

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