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Homeless, Litter, McKinley Pond and more—East Sacramento Preservation Board Meeting Minutes
East Sacramento Preservation – Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Ettore’s Bakery & Café
7:00-8:10 PM
Janet Maira
Rose Luther
Ellen Cochrane
Will Green
Martin Palomar
Cindy Oropeza
Read Harrison
Amy Gardner
1) Approval of November 2021 ESP Board Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved. Moved by Ellen Cochrane, Seconded by Janet Maira.
2) Treasurer’s Report/Fundraising/Membership Information
Will Green gave summary of ESP’s general, and scholarship funds. Report included information from scholarship fundraising efforts. We received many large donations from individuals and businesses. What was lacking was wide membership renewals. All agreed that our membership efforts should be revisited. Cindy Oropeza suggested that we address ESP core values in our outreach to attract more members. It was suggested that June, mid-year, might be a good time to do this and hopefully we could have a large meeting at that time.
3) Scholarship Committee Update
Martin Palomar suggested a timeline be created. Rose Luther and Ellen Cochrane shared that this has been done and that other committee work is under way. Ellen Cochrane will send draft committee information to the board. All are encouraged to proffer ideas and advice.
4) New Officers 2022
A slate was selected for the 2022 officers. The slate will be posted on the website for broad membership input. Officers will take positions at the next meeting unless membership input indicates otherwise.
Proposed Slate
President – Martin Palomar
Treasurer – Will Green
Secretary – Cindy Oropeza
5) NO2Rezoning – SB9 and SB10
Read Harrison shared that concerned ESP members and community partners met at The McKinley Park Rose Garden with a banner and tables. Information about the issue was provided and signatures gathered to support statewide initiative to revoke SB9 and SB10. is a statewide organization that provides support and information for neighborhoods working to maintain livability
6) McKinley Park – Pond Update
Judy McClaver developed an excellent informational plaque regarding the wildlife. She is shepherding it through the city approval process. Will Green and Martin Palomar met with park officials regarding pond clean up on Friday, January 14, 2022 at the McKinley Park pond. They will brief the group at the next meeting. Sac Walk Safe, a group of neighbors concerned about the homeless situation in East Sacramento and Midtown, will meet at 10AM on January 22, 2022 at the McKinley Park pond with city officials and the community.
7) Mercy Hospital – Homeless Patient Release Policy for Homeless
Several members confirmed that Mercy is releasing homeless, ride-less patients into the neighborhood. Support is needed for these individuals. Will Green and Rose Luther plan to meet with Mercy Hospital officials to discuss the issue.
8) Website Management
Will Green is working with neighbor Sabitre Rodriguez to take over management of the website and social media.
9) Meeting Location: Consideration of an East Sacramento Meeting Location
ESP will ask Sunil of Compton’s if we can meet in the office space. We are set to meet at Ettore’s for the next two months.
10) Underpass Homeless, Litter Clean up
Amy Gardner gave a summary of East Sacramento and Midtown homeless neighborhood clean-up efforts. She and her group, Walk Safe Sacramento, are responsible for the remarkable clean-up of the freeway underpass areas. Anyone interested in joining the efforts to help her with lobbying for City of Sacramento help with the homeless situation in East Sacramento and litter cleanup should contact her at:
Thank you to Ettore’s for the meeting space.
Thank you to Read Harrison for the oranges.
The next meeting will be on February 9, 2022, 7pm at Ettore’s Café.
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Come to the Next Board Meeting!

East Sacramento Preservation
Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Ettore’s Bakery & Café
1) Approve last ESP Board ‘s meeting minutes – All
2) Treasurer’s Report – Will Green
3) Scholarship Update – Ellen Cochrane
4) Fundraising Campaign & Membership Renewal Update – Will Green
5) Officers 2022: Proposed Slate, General Discussion/Nominations/Voting – All
President: Martin Palomar
Treasurer: Will Green
Secretary: Open
Vice President: Open
6) NO2Rezoning: SB9 and SB10 Update – Will Green
7) McKinley Park, Pond Update – Judy McClaver
8) Mercy Hospital: Releasing patients into neighborhood without transportation pre-arrangements – Martin Palomar
9) Website Management: Training and management for website: Ellen Cochrane, All
10) Meeting Location: Consideration of an East Sacramento Location – All
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