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- 🌳 Volunteers Needed for McKinley Park Tree Planting!🌳 02/19/2025
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- 77 Volunteers, 16 Trees, and a Greener Future 02/03/2025
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Tag Archives: Traffic Study
PETITION!!!! Sign NO On McKinley Village Sacramento, (as proposed)
This is the e-petition for NO On McKinley Village, as proposed. It’s critical to sign this! If we are to make change and get our representatives to hear us, we must speak up! Please click the link and sign!!! Remember, this project will funnel 1500+ cars a day through our streets. Hardest hit? McKinley Park. Click here to go to the petition.
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Tagged Angelides, Cal Trans, calming traffic, city of sacramento, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Neighborhood Associations, East Sacramento Preservation, McKinley Village, meagan garcia norris, rail, rail way, rail yard, railyard, riverview capital investments, Smart Growth, Steve Cohn, tina thomas, traffic calming, Traffic Study
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Is the McKinley Village Traffic Study A Botched Job?
It just gets more and more curious. Study days during the summer. Counting cars in detour areas. Meters placed on streets surrounded by road work. Does the city expect neighbors not to notice? What is going on here? Will the traffic study be based on normal traffic flow, or will the data be suspect?
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Angelides, calming traffic, city of sacramento, drive-like-your-kids-live-here, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Preservation, meagan garcia norris, riverview capital investments, Smart Growth, Traffic Study
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