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Tag Archives: ESP Officers
February Board Meeting Minutes
Your Neighborhood Group
East Sacramento Preservation
Monthly Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 7pm
McClaskey Warren Adult Education Center
Will Green
Martin Palomar
Michael Greene
Janet Maira
Rose Luther
Nancy Dannevik
Bill Dannevik
Ellen Cochrane
Thank you to outgoing President Janet Maira, Secretary Jennifer Cummings and Treasurer Martin Palomar for their faithful service.
Welcome 2020 Officers
President: Martin Palomar
Vice President: Janet Maira
Treasurer: Will Green
Secretary: Ellen Cochrane
Scholarship Update
The ESP Kit Carson graduating senior scholarship cycle begins in April. Will Green will ask member Amy Sweat to help with student training for the application process. Rose would like to join the scholarship committee.
Print Ad
ESP will run a full-page print add in East Sacramento News that details our values and outlines our activities.
Environment Committee
The Board and members present agreed that acting locally is a powerful way to effect change. ESP will form a committee to pursue speakers, action points and a communication process with council and the mayor to move forward on environmental preservation. Specific comments included concerns about our tree canopy, pollinators, land use, American River habitat destruction, air quality, recycling, partnering with the Tree Foundation, water and other issues. Members expressed frustration about who to contact regarding illegal or dangerous homeless activities.
Member Appreciation Meeting
ESP will hold a Neighbor Appreciation Get-together on February 29 (Leap Year!) to greet new members and appreciate current. Details about time and place TBA.
All present agreed that ESP should gather volunteers for East Portal Pops in the Park. We reached out to CM Harris’ office to learn the 2020 POPS date.
Pond Update
Our pond lead, Judy McClaver, was not able to attend. Pond update to follow
Anti-trash Campaign
Martin Palomar and Will Green created and run the campaign, which ESP supports. Trash pickup in McKinley Park is on-going.
Welcome to new members: Nancy and Bill Dannevik
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Tagged East Portal, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Environment, East Sacramento Preservation, ESP, ESP Officers, judy mcclaver, Neighborhood Associations, POPS, Scholarship East Sacramento, trees
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