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East Sacramento Preservation
- 🌳 Volunteers Needed for McKinley Park Tree Planting!🌳 02/19/2025
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- 77 Volunteers, 16 Trees, and a Greener Future 02/03/2025
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Tag Archives: Angelides
McKinley Village Update
Tonight City Council plans to have a discussion item on the agenda for McKinley Village issues, including the Revised Draft of the Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR). The link below is a March 3, 2017 submission to the city from the law firm opposing the city’s work on the McKinley Village EIR. East Sacramento Preservation understands the RDEIR to be insufficient on traffic analysis and issues and urges the city to properly address and mitigate traffic problems that will be cause by McKinley Village.
Below is a link to the March 3,2017 letter to the city.
Posted in McKinley Village, Uncategorized
Tagged Angelides, calming traffic, city of sacramento, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Neighborhood Associations, East Sacramento Preservation, McKinley Village, riverview capital investments, Steve Cohn, Traffic Study
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ESP Letter to City on McKinley Village EIR
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Angelides, calming traffic, city of sacramento, drive-like-your-kids-live-here, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Preservation, McKinley Village, Smart Growth, tina thomas, traffic, traffic calming, Traffic Study
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