Community Input Sought on Draft Design Plan
McKinley Playground Design Day took place on January 11, 2013, to gather input from over a thousand area school children and community members. Public comments were then taken on a preliminary schematic plan developed by Dennis Wille of Play by Design. The Steering Committee is currently reviewing the second iteration, a pencil sketch with elevations and welcomes your input. To view the pencil sketch design click here. To view elevations clickhere. We are on a fast track for construction, so comments are due by Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 5:00 p.m. There are two ways you can comment: through the City’s Envision Sacramento public engagement site or by sending email comments Once the committee incorporates comments and changes, Mr. Wille will prepare an auto-cad version of the plan.
The theme of the playground will be essentially East Sacramento, with the intent to reflect its history and sense of place. It includes a tot area as well as a play area for kids 5-12 years old. The playground may ultimately also include other features reminiscent of Sacramento’s past and present.
Join the Steering Committee!
The Rebuild McKinley Fundraising Committee is in need of assistance. There are several offers from businesses to hold fundraising events and the committee will be helping to coordinate with the various businesses. If you are interested to learn more about how you can help, please contact Cathy Taylor at 916-803-4194 or
Volunteer for the Community Build!
The community build will take place over six days, June 4-9, 2013, with three shifts per day. About 2,000 volunteer shifts need to be filled. All ages are welcome to help. From construction, to helping with child care, to preparing and serving the volunteers’ food –there is a job for everyone! Come out to help for a few hours or a few days. Tools and guidance will be provided. This will probably be the biggest community build event that you will participate in your lifetime and one of your most rewarding experiences! Sign up to help Rebuild McKinley here.
Buy a Brick or Bench – Deadline: March 15

Friends of East Sacramento (FOES) are helping to raise funds by selling benches and commemorative bricks to be placed in the playground area. The deadline for purchase is March 15 and installation will take place prior to the community build in June. See details.
McKinley Kids Circle Sponsors:
