ESP is a 501c(3) and we do not endorse political candidates. Legal counsel has informed us that we can have a position on measures and legislative bills. Initially, we were not going to take a position on Measure L, but members have asked that we do. We want to make sure that both sides of the issue are fairly represented. October 2, 6pm at Clunie, there will be a “non-side” examination of the Measure by Eye On Sacramento. Additionally, Matt Z’Berg has offered to answer any questions regarding the measure. Mr. Z’Berg supports Measure L. You can contact him directly or send your questions to ESP. Also, please let us know if you want us to support or not support Measure L.
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East Sacramento Preservation
- 🌳 Volunteers Needed for McKinley Park Tree Planting!🌳 02/19/2025
- East Lawn Memorial Park Guided Historic Walking Tours 02/08/2025
- 20 Is Plenty Lawn Sign Available 02/04/2025
- 77 Volunteers, 16 Trees, and a Greener Future 02/03/2025
- Make a Date to Help the Tree Canopy 01/06/2025