East Sacramento Preservation

Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
7pm to 8pm
Will Green
Martin Palomar
Janet Maira
Jennifer Cummings
Pat Lynch
Read Harrison
Ellen Cochrane
1) Minutes (Martin Palomar) — Approval of last ESP minutes with no changes. Will Green moved to approve, Janet Maira seconded. All approved
2) Treasurer’s Report (Will Green) — All bills and fees are paid. The scholarship fund continues to grow.
3) Scholarship Update (Ellen Cochrane) — Ellen Cochrane recently subbed for 21 days at Kit Carson and got to know the senior class—approximately 30 students. The youngsters face many challenges from being out of school for more than a year, but they are working hard. More ESP members are needed on the scholarship committee. ESP Scholarships will increase to three $1,500 awards this year. Two ESP members will be matching fundraising efforts. More publicity and focus on application structure are needed.
4) Fundraising Campaign and Membership Renewal (Will Green) — ESP will reach out to previous donors. Fundraising and membership letters are in the works. The efforts will be sent out before year’s end.
5) McKinley Park clean up update (Martin Palomar, Will Green) — Green and Palomar requested that the City of Sacramento post additional signs to remind visitors to put their waste in the trash containers. Volunteers have noticed a lot of trash accumulating near the Greek Orthodox Church. Green and Palomar wondered if the church would help with fundraising and litter abatement. The committee noted that the Lion Fish artwork is in need of restoration. Will Green reached out to the artist. $4000 is needed for the rehabilitation. Will Green is waiting for a response from Councilmember Jeff Harris regarding his office underwriting this project.
6) NO2Rezoning — SB9 and SB10 Update (Read Harrison) — In light of SB9 & SB10 being voted in and signed by the governor, there are a couple of ways to minimize the damage to neighborhoods. Both laws have complications and are not straight forward. To keep things simple as we can, we are asking the City of Sacramento:
Not to allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) if a lot is split under SB 9. This means that a maximum of 4 units could be created under SB 9, NOT 8 units (on what was originally a single-family lot R-1)
a. Not to implement SB 10, a bill that permits cities to allow up to 14 units on what is now one single family lot R-1.
b. SB9 will be in effect for all municipalities as of Jan 1, 2022, there is some wiggle room to help keep development in check, hence our move to scratch ADUs on newly split lots. SB10 is optional for cities to adopt, hopefully our city council will not adopt it.
7) Tanama Garden and Eggery (Will Green) — The board unanimously voted to be fiscal sponsors for the group in Oak Park. This will allow them to fundraise as a 501c3, until they get their own designation.
8) McKinley Park Pond Update (Judy McClaver) — Judy continues to work on pond issues in the park. She often arrives before dawn. Over the course of several weeks, she’s seen illegal campers in the playground and in other places throughout the park. Getting clear and immediate response from the city regarding negative park issues is an on-going problem. SPD asks that park problems to be sent to the city park police. 311 will ask citizens to call SPD. ESP requests a number to call, 24 hours a day, to get help with park issues.
The next meeting will be November 10, 2021. Location to be announced. All are welcome. Call 916-202-7956 for details.