Please mark your calendars for April 13, when we’ll celebrate the Return of the Swainson’s Hawk to Sutter’s Landing. Sponsored by Friends of the Swainson’s Hawk, there will be a presentation with live birds, plus a walk along the river to look for the hawks. There will also be tables with information from the cosponsors of this event: Friends of the River Banks (FORB), Sacramento Audubon Society, Save the American River Association (SARA), and Raptors are the Solution (RATS).
Come early to visit the information tables and sample the refreshments. The presentation will start sharply at 9 am (sharp! FOSH is on time!!) at the pavilion next to the skateboard park at the very end of 28th St. Walk, bike, or carpool if possible to save carbon emissions. All ages are welcome (please leave dogs at home). Bring binoculars, sunblock/hats, and water/snacks.
In past years Swainson’s Hawks have come out on the day of this event and put on amazing displays for our group. We can’t promise a show this year, or even that Swainson’s Hawks will be present, but they’ve nested along the river for the last 5 or 6 years so there’s a good chance we’ll have an update about the local birds. (Last year we don’t think they successfully nested, possibly due to the presence of Great Horned Owls who got to the nest first!) No matter what, it’s always a treat to go out and see what’s happening at the river.