East Sacramento Neighborhoods Are not Ashtrays or Parking Lots

Living next to Mercy Hospital is a challenge. When the hospital was proposed Mercy claimed there would be no negative neighborhood impact. That prediction was false. Mercy activities increase traffic, raise noise and particulate air matter and they are a poor neighbor. A local resident started the the blog Living Next to Mercy. He posts photos, gathers evidence and states the plain truth. Check out the site to see the real impact of Mercy’s expansion.

Unfortunately the new hospital is a done deal. That does not mean, however, that Mercy can turn our neighborhood into their stomping ground. We call on Mercy to clean up it’s act and to stop using our streets as their personal parking lot and allowing their employees to use our neighborhood as an ashtray.

The next Mercy Neighborhood Meeting is February 22nd at 5:30pm in the main auditorium lower level. Let’s have a strong neighborhood turn out to voice our concerns.

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