This is nostalgic garden art at it’s best. Pieces of the McKinley Park Playground features to be auctioned on Tuesday, April 2! The remains of the former structure could be in your back yard.
East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce to hold auction as fundraiser for new playground—The East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce is betting that many community members are nostalgic about the beloved McKinley Village playground they helped to build in 1994 through the community build process and are willing to purchase a piece.
On Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at 5 p.m. a live auction will take place at the McKinley Village Playground with the help of auctioneer and East Sac resident Matt Johnson. Pieces of the playground including swings, slides, the car structure and Alhambra façade will be sold. The items will be marked and American Technologies, Inc. will set them aside as they demolish the structure beginning Wednesday, April 3 at 7 a.m. for pickup on Friday April 5. For a complete list of available items see