Membership in East Sacramento Preservation includes a free Drive Like Your Kids Live Here sign if you join in June.
The City of Sacramento Project Manager for the J Street and Folsom Boulevard Lane Conversion Project reports the road construction will occur in East Sacramento this summer.
The purpose of the project is to enhance neighborhood livability by reducing traffic speeds and volumes, improve safety, and to encourage walking and biking. Following are the changes taking place:
J Street between 42nd Street and 56th Street is currently a four lane facility (two through lanes in each direction), with no left turn lanes, limited parking and no bike lanes. This project is planning to convert this segment of J Street from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction, with a center two-way left-turn lane.
Folsom Boulevard between 34th Street and 47th Street is currently a four-lane facility (two through lanes in each direction), with no left turn lanes and partial bike lanes. This project is planning to convert this segment of Folsom Boulevard from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction, with a center two-way left-turn lane.
The streets will first receive a slurry seal to cover up previous striping and to extend the life of the existing asphalt roadway. After the seal, the streets will then receive the proposed striping layout. Note that the Folsom plans also include the segment of Alhambra Boulevard to 34th Street. This portion of roadway is already one lane in each direction but will be receiving a slurry seal and refreshed striping with some alterations. All work is currently scheduled to begin in August of 2013 and complete in September of 2013.
Questions Contact:
Gregory J. Smith, P.E.
City of Sacramento
Department of Public Works
915 I Street, Room 2000
Sacramento, CA 95814-2604
(916) 808-8364