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Call to Action: Save Trees Capitol Park Next Step

The following information from the Trees for Sacramento Group concerns the plan to build a parking garage in Capitol Park and to cut down numerous heritage trees.

The Legislature’s Joint Rules Committee (JRC) has called for an “Informational Hearing” this MONDAY MARCH 22 at 11 a.m., in the Assembly Chamber of the State Capitol. It will also be online:

We need to let the JRC members know: they must preserve and protect our Capitol, Capitol Park, and the Capitol Park trees! The Committee will not take a vote at this hearing, but will receive updates on the status of the Project.


1)      Attend the hearing and speak during public comments – at the end of the agenda. The Capitol will be open – use the North Side entrance along L Street. You must wear a mask, and go through a security and temperature screening. 

2)      If you can’t attend, then listen/watch the livestream, and be prepared at the end to share your views by phone as if you were there.

It is likely that comments will be limited 2 minutes each. We’ve found that it helps to write out what you want to say – and practice saying it. If it’s more than 2 minutes long, you’ll need to edit. Say what you feel: we want the Legislature to know that this precious park and Capitol must be preserved!      

Email your message to the committee at      

Please make sure you have let your own Legislators know how you feel – use this handy tool to do so:

If you have not signed the petition . . .

Sign the Petition here Petition

Reading List:

PAC’s letter to California State Leadership on what to do about the Capitol Annex Project.

PAC Press ReleaseFact Sheet on Annex Project



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Slow and Active Street Program Needs East Sac Input—Street Closures Considered

City staff want to hear from residents in East Sacramento about areas that could host more “slow and active streets” as part of a program that will close up to six miles of Sacramento roads to through-traffic and make them available for walking, bicycling and other forms of non-static activity.

“The ‘Slow and Active Streets‘ pilot [program] started in our communities and is being developed through a community nomination process,” said Transportation Planning Manager Jennifer Donlon Wyant. “Folks in these neighborhoods did their own community engagement to identify the nominated streets and then applied to the City.”

The City recently began a formal process to hear from residents through an online survey and virtual community discussions about potential concerns with bringing the program to new neighborhoods.

Residents living in the following areas are encouraged to participate:

East Sacramento – Taylor Way, Meister Way, Aiken Way, 34rd Street, B Street

Take a survey here which is open until March 21.

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