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East Sacrament Preservation Board Meeting Minutes

East Sacramento Preservation 

Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

7:00pm – 8:00pm

Meeting Minutes


Janet Maira

Ellen Cochrane

Martin Palomar

Will Green

Jennifer Cummings

Welcome—Martin Palomar


No Rezone—Will Green


An active campaign led by Save Our Neighborhoods and the Elmhurst Neighborhood Association to oppose the city’s rezoning proposal continues. East Sacramento Preservation co-sponsored an informational Zoom meeting on the proposal and handed out flyers about the issue. Council Member Harris has not attended Rezone neighborhood meetings. His position on the proposal is unclear. No townhall meeting is planned by his office on this issue. 

Sabitre Rodriguez worked on the No on Rezone surveys and informational postings for the Save Our Neighborhoods group.

East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship—Ellen Cochrane


Kit Carson International Baccalaureate Principal Santiago Chappa placed East Sacramento Preservation on the Carson June 15th graduation agenda. We will award two scholarships to Carson seniors. The scholarship committee will reconvene in the fall to plan the 2022 scholarship.

July 2019 Estate Sale—Will Green


The funds earned from the estate sale will go towards the ESP Kit Carson scholarship.

McKinley Park Irrigation Issues—Martin Palomar


ESP President, Martin Palomar, is leading the effort to press our Council Member to help us to address irrigation issues. It is apparent that some repairs have been made. ESP will send updated park pictures to CM Harris. We will continue to monitor. 

McKinley Pond and Park – Judy McClaver


Judy McClaver is inundated with animal rescues. One hundred and twenty dollars was recently donated to ESP for the park wildlife. We will explore setting up a GoFundMe page to help Judy’s efforts. It was noted that Judy works throughout the city, not just in East Sacramento. 

Status of the City of Sacramento’s Youth Corps was discussed. All are interested in this program, but we need to explore the commitment required and how it will be stewarded. We are ready to work with the Corps employees on trash pick-up. Will Green will check for the city contact and report back to the group.

ESP will continue to support Judy and help with her expenses.

ESP Meeting Notes—Martin Palomar


All agreed that the meeting notes must be posted on the web site. Ellen Cochrane will post. The web site upgrade is still pending. Website changes TBD

Treasurer’s Report—Will Green


The status of our general income and scholarship funds was reported. It was noted that there will be no Pops in the Park in 2021. 

Meeting Adjourned


The next Meeting will be in the fall, 2021. Date TBD

Posted in City Council, Clean Parks, Clean Streets, Clean Streets Initiative, District 3, Environment, Environmental Committee, leadership, Uncategorized | Comments Off on East Sacrament Preservation Board Meeting Minutes

How do you rate the quality of life in Sacramento? The City wants to hear from you – City Express

How would you rate the quality of life in Sacramento?

What services work well? What needs improvement? What are your thoughts about public transportation, parks, housing options, health services, education, entertainment options, crime and more?

The Office of the City Auditor invites Sacramento residents to take the National Community Survey and share their opinions about the livability of Sacramento. The survey also includes questions about a range of community issues as well as services provided by the City.

“The community survey is critical because it gives us a benchmark of how citizens feel about our services in a way that is scientifically accurate and comprehensive,” said City Auditor Jorge Oseguera. “Departments or divisions can use the information captured to prioritize or realign resources in a meaningful way; one that is based on hard data, rather than assumptions.”

Last year, the City did not conduct a community survey due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, the Auditor’s Office instead conducted a survey to gauge impacts of the coronavirus on Sacramentans.

Results of the 2019 Community Survey showed that:

  • Respondents rated quality of services such as fire, ambulance or emergency medical services, public library services and garbage collection as good or excellent.
  • Respondents rated quality of services including traffic enforcement, street cleaning, and street repair as poor or fair.
  • Respondents rated characteristics of the community including opportunities to volunteer, opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and shopping opportunities as good or excellent.
  • Respondents rated community characteristics including the cost of living, public parking and availability of affordable quality housing as poor or fair.

The survey is available online through April 25 and can be translated into more than 100 languages. It takes around 15 minutes to complete.

Earlier this year, 5,500 randomly selected households were sent the survey to ensure the City would receive statistically significant data. The survey now is open to anyone who would like to share their opinions. All respondents to the survey will remain anonymous.

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