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ESP June 18, 2021 AdHoc Meeting Minutes
East Sacramento Preservation
ADHOC Meeting
June 18, 2021
Will Green
Martin Palomar
Jennifer Cummings
Ellen Cochrane
Janet Maira
Cindy Oropeza
Read Harrison
Zoe Harrison
Web Site Posting 6:00 to 6:15
Ellen updated the group about the posting process.
The board requested posting guidelines.
The board discussed opening up posting to members and others.
Ellen will give basic guidelines for posting.
The board voted to hire a poster.
Ellen will check that the entire board is on the distribution list.
Sabitre Rodriquez-IT Developer 6:15 to 6:30
Local website developer. Interested in working on community projects. Long time friend of ESP. (Generous supporter of the scholarship.)
Will Green will co-ordinate with her.
New Board Members 6:30 to 6:45
The ReZone has prompted renewed interest in ESP.
Read Harrison expressed an interest in joining the ESP board.
The board voted unanimously yes to Read joining the board.
ReZone Issues 6:45 to 6:56
Will Green discussed current issues.
The board discussed ESP’s position and future actions on issues.
Our mission supports opposition to ReZoning.
ESP will continue its educational efforts to inform the community about rezoning.
ESP’s actions, exact efforts TBD.
ESP voted to participate in the forthcoming town hall meeting and be a co-sponsor regarding the rezoning issues.
New Board Members in 2022 6:56 to 7:10
44th Street Neighbors might have interest in ESP board membership.
We will discuss recruitment efforts with Sabitre Rodriguez
Ellen will resign as secretary in 2022.
Scholarship Award Update 7:10 to 7:22
Ellen Cochrane attended the KCIA graduation and distributed the awards.
She will work with the students beginning in Fall 2021 to groom writing skills.
Next year’s award cycle will begin in early 2022.
We need more outreach and education about our scholarship, i.e. fundraising.
Cindy Oropeza will consider helping.
Next meeting August 11, 2021, 6 pm. Location to be determined. President Palomar will reach out to SCUSD to renew our contract with the McClasky Adult Center as a meeting venue.
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Rezoning Opposition Information
East Sacramento Neighbors are mobilizing opposition efforts to the new Rezoning pushes in the city and state. Please see the action information below.
1) Tell the City Council to remove upzoning language from the Housing Element.
2) Tell CA Assembly members NO on SB 9 & SB 10 that would end single family zoning statewide.
3) Help educate your neighbors by delivering flyers. Email for more info.
4) Like and share our facebook page
5) Housing Element Environmental Review Comments Due June 17
1) Take Action on the Housing Element
On June 15, 2021 2pm, City staff will be holding a workshop for the City Council on the Housing Element.
Although the draft Housing Element shows that Sacramento can meet its State-assigned housing Regional Housing Allocation Need (RHNA) numbers, the Housing Element still contains language to support upzoning that would eliminate single family neighborhoods.
The proposed upzoning is not a done deal, so it does NOT belong in the Housing Element.
Send a message to the City Council and Planning Department:
“Remove all references to proposed upzoning in the Housing Element. The Housing Element shows that Sacramento can meet its State-assigned housing allocation under current zoning – NO UPZONING is needed.”
You can copy & paste these emails for City Council, their chief staffers and city planners:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Please cc,
Click to read this alert on line for more information. See also #5 below on Housing Element Environmental Review.
2) Tell CA Legislators NO on SB 9 and SB 10
Senate Bill SB 9 will end single family zoning and neighborhoods statewide, allowing 6-8 units per single family lot.
Senate Bill SB 10 allows any city council in California: 1) to overturn voter-approved ballot measures that protect open space, shorelines and other lands, and 2) to override all zoning including single-family, inviting the demolition and gentrification of older, diverse, multi-family and single-family areas.
Unfortunately SB 9 passed out of the CA Senate on 5-26-21 – we need to stop it in the Assembly.
Write Sacramento area Assembly Members and their chiefs of staff below and tell them:
“I strongly oppose SB 9 and SB 10 and urge you to vote against these attacks on single family neighborhoods and environmental protections.”
If you are not sure who your Assembly Member is, click here.
Kevin McCarty, 916-319-2007,
Chief of Staff:
Ken Cooley, (916) 319-2008,
Chief of staff:
Jim Cooper, (916) 319-2009,
Chief of staff:
Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, (916) 319-2004,
Chief of staff:
Legislative director:
Direct the email to your Assembly Member and cc the others:,,,,,,,,
Click to read this alert on line.
3) Volunteers, Calls & Emails Needed!
If you have already signed the petition and put out a yard sign – thank you!
Here is more you can do:
1) Help spread the word by dropping flyers on porches in your neighborhood. Contact to get flyers or master copies to make your own.
2) If you haven’t already, please contact your City Council member directly to tell them you oppose upzoning of single family and want the draft 2040 General Plan to be changed to retain existing single family zoning and neighborhoods. Click for their emails & phone numbers.
4) Help get the word out through facebook.
Please like, share and comment on our facebook page
5) Housing Element Environmental Review Comments Due June 17
A Notice of Availability/Intent to adopt a Negative Declaration for the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update was released on May 18. The public comment period closes on June 17. The Draft Negative Declaration is available online at:
Written comments regarding the Draft Negative Declaration should be received by the Community Development Department, NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June, 17, 2021 (NOTE: due to COVID 19, the Public Counter is CLOSED). All comments should be submitted via email or mailed to:
Scott Johnson, Senior Planner; Community Development Department; 300 Richards Boulevard: Sacramento, CA 95811; Email:; Tel: (916) 808-5842
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