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August Board Meeting Minutes
East Sacramento Preservation
Board Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2021
Will Green
Martin Palomar
Jennifer Cummings
Ellen Cochrane
Read Harrison
Approval of June 18, 2021 minutes. Will Green moves, all in favor.
Treasurer Report
Scholarships paid out. Insurance paid. Mailbox paid. Balances reported.
Scholarship Award Update
Scholarships paid out.
Ellen Cochrane will work with teacher Kim Kim to start early work on Scholarship 2022 at Kit Carson school.
Ellen will reach out for donations.
Read Harrison suggested that we have a scholarship page on the web site.
Will mentions that $160,000 is needed for a scholarship endowment.
IT Development
Will Green has asked Sabitre Rodriguez to join board and inquire if she is available to help with website.
Read Harrison will look at other websites.
ESP website needs to update site: historic pictures, events…
Fiscal Sponsorship
Save our Neighborhoods is not 501c3.
Is ESP interested in sponsoring them?
Involves a small amount of bookkeeping.
Relationships can be formed for a limited time, and can be severed easily.
Will Green will resend information, board will then assess
The Board moved to approve gathering more information.
5203 J Street
100 year old house to be demolished and rebuilt.
Neighbor reached out to find out what is happening with the property.
The board recommended that the neighbor understand the zoning.
Request that neighbor send any notices or documentation.
Contact David Gonzales in Jeff Harris’s office, and copy ESP.
UPDATE: The city informed the neighbor that there is currently no development applied for at the site. The city technician also gave information about how to track future activities.
McKinley Park and Clean Up
Sacramento Picks It Up on Facebook is an active litter abatement group.
President Martin Palomar joined and suggested write up about their citywide activities on the website.
Martin will get more information and get back to us. We could possibly partner with the group.
ESIA Meeting Attendance
Martin Palomar spoke with ESIA President Tricia Stephens.
She’s interested in advertising trash abatement efforts.
They agreed to post information about trash pick up.
They were requested to post information about rezone.
NO2Rezone Update
Save our Neighborhoods Press Conference/Release
Speakers spoke about issues and there were bout 8 presentations for a total of 45 minutes.
Supporters and press in attendance.
ESP continues to be in opposition.
August 17th is the next city council review
SB hearing is coming soon, as well.
Concerns include parking issues, lack of water and sewer upgrades.
Council member will be making presentations on issue.
For the latest update go to Save Sacramento Neighborhood Website.
Renewal Membership
Will Green is working on renewal letter.
Next meeting will be September 8, 2021
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 pm
Note: All ESP meetings are open to interested parties. Our monthly board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, 7-8pm. Please call (916) 457-2725 to confirm location.
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Sharing Great Neighborhood News
East Sacramento Preservation is excited to announce the winners of our 2021 scholarships. Our neighborhood group supports East Sacramento’s Kit Carson International Baccalaureate High School (KCIB) with a yearly award based on service to the community. The IB program challenges students to excel in their studies, and encourages both personal and academic achievement. This is the sixth year of ESP’s scholarship.
COVID-19 was difficult for all the students, and we were proud to continue our support. ESP stepped in to tutor the student applicants and guide them with their applications. After a year of Zoom and distance learning, May 2021 gave us the opportunity to meet face to face with the applicants to help them polish their writing. And it paid off.
Kamilah Smith detailed her year with no in-person classes and how it helped her get to know her neighbors better. She bonded with seniors and learned the power of sharing. She is pursuing a nursing career.
Addison Baker gained experience and achieved many goals by becoming an Eagle Scout. He will study this fall on the Monterey Peninsula.
Kit Carson High School is proving to be a huge success. This year 90 students will enter the freshman class. Caleb Greenwood, in River Park, prepares primary students for the academic challenges of the high school IB program. Both Caleb and KCIB school staff receive specialized training to address the rigors of an IB education.
To become involved with East Sacramento Preservation’s scholarship program please call 916-457-2725.
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Tagged East Sacramento, East Sacramento Preservation, East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship, kit carson, Kit Carson International Academy, scusd
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