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Category Archives: Traffic
City of Sacramento Public Hearing on McKinley Village (Thursday, October 24, 2013, 5:30 pm)–East Sacramento Neighbors Will Attend
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hosted by City of Sacramento New City Hall
915 I Street, 1st Floor, Sacramento, CA
The project requires a General Plan Amendment, Rezones & Subdivision Modifications to establish non-standard street sections and public alleys.
Entitlements requested will require Planning Design Commission recommendations to the City Council in 2014
No final decisions will be rendered at hearing.
This is a critical meeting to attend. Citizens can sign up to speak (3 minutes) and submit written comments. East Sacramento Preservation will be there.
Posted in Parks, Traffic
Tagged Angelides, calming traffic, city meeting, city of sacramento, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Neighborhood Associations, East Sacramento Preservation, McKinley Village, meagan garcia norris, planning departmento, riverview capital investments, traffic calming
1 Comment
East Sacramento Neighborhood Association Co-sponsors Crosswalk Pedestrian Flag Pilot Program
- 33rd and H Streets
Many of us step timidly into H and J, alert as antelope at a water hole, fearing the beastly traffic.
There is no perfect solution for pedestrian safety, but East Sacramento Preservation and the City of Sacramento are co-sponsoring a pedestrian flag project at the corner of 33rd and H Streets, in front of the Rose Garden.
On each side of the marked crosswalk ESP and the City erected a post and holder filled with bright orange flags. Pedestrians can use the flags to cross the street safely.
Walkers simply pick out a flag; hold it up and cross the street. When he or she has safely crossed the flag is placed in the opposite receptacle.
Other cities, such as Seattle and Portland, have successful pedestrian flag programs.
The City is monitoring the program to gauge use, flag theft rates and effectiveness. If the program is deemed successful, ESP and the City will increase the number of crossing stations in East Sacramento.
When you’re out by McKinley Park and need to cross H Street, grab a flag! Also, please send us feedback about this project.
Below are the recommended use instructions for the flag
Recommended Usage:
Get a Flag from the bucket.
Hold the flag at the curbside and get the eye attention of the driver.
Cross the street with the flag when it’s safe (check both ways and make eye contact with the drivers).
Cross safely, and put the flag in the other bucket.