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East Sacramento Preservation
- 🌳 Volunteers Needed for McKinley Park Tree Planting!🌳 02/19/2025
- East Lawn Memorial Park Guided Historic Walking Tours 02/08/2025
- 20 Is Plenty Lawn Sign Available 02/04/2025
- 77 Volunteers, 16 Trees, and a Greener Future 02/03/2025
- Make a Date to Help the Tree Canopy 01/06/2025
Category Archives: Recycle
Plant Faire – Friday April 19
Plant Faire +
Native, Drought+Tolerant & Unusual Plants+ Photography by award winning nature artist+ Garden Art+ Yummy Backed Goods, Speakers, & Ask a Master Gardener.
Bring a bag of recyclables and get a free plant!
- WHEN: Friday, April 19, 2024, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
- WHERE: McClaskey Adult Center – 5241 J Street (53rd & J street), Sacramento.

You’re Invited to Our General Meeting
Come learn about our new Environmental Committee, Traffic Committee, Clean Parks, Streets, Pond Initiative and our Scholarship program. Join East Sacramento Preservation.
Posted in Air Quality and Traffic Committee, Animal Welfare, Bertha Henschel, Clean Parks, Clean Streets, Clean Streets Initiative, Committee News, District 3, East Portal, Environmental Committee, McKinley Park, McKinley Park Pond, Parks, Preservation District, Recycle, Scholarship Committee, Speaker Series, Traffic, Trees, Urban Wildlife
Tagged Association General meeting, Clean Parks, Clean Pond Initiative, Clean Streets, East Sacramento, East Sacramento History, East Sacramento Neighborhood Associations, East Sacramento Preservation, East Sacramento Preservation General Meeting, East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship, Environmental Committee Traffic and Air Quality Meeting, ESP, ESP General Meeting, Photos East Sacramento, scholarships, traffic calming, trees
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