Category Archives: McKinley Park

East Sacramento McKinley Park Loses Two More Trees

imagesTree Foundation—Elm Update, July 29, 2014, McKinley Park

Recently one of the Elm trees shed a large limb over the playground and damaged the park bench. No one was injured. This incident prompted Urban Forestry Services to perform aerial inspections on the group of Elms in that area. We have been informed that two trees will be removed due to substantial structural defects. The remaining six trees have structural defects that will be manage with pruning and periodic monitoring. The pruning and removals are scheduled to begin today (7-29-14) and will continue for a day or two until the work is completed.

The removal of these grand trees is a huge loss to the playground area. Once seasonal rains begin the Sacramento Tree Foundation will work with the community to plant  replacement trees. In the mean time you, your friends and family can care for our beloved park trees. Join the Sacramento Tree Foundation for their next Mulch Madness! August 4th @6:30. Please register at

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East Sacramento McKinley Park Trees — Tree Key and Event

Unknown-1McKinley Park Tree Tour

Below is tour information and the tree key for the park.

Sure, you might appreciate the beauty of the trees in McKinley Park, but how much do you know about them, really? To learn more, stop by the parking lot near the Shepard Garden and Arts Center to take a tour of the park from 6:30-8pm on Tuesday, July 22nd, led by a certified arborist.

The only requirements are comfortable shoes and water if the weather is warm. Optional, but encouraged, is to bring along your smartphone or tablet to learn how to identify and map trees using the GreenprintMaps app. For more information, and to sign up for the tour, go to



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