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Category Archives: McKinley Park Pond
Pro Bono Wildlife Biologist Needed to Help McKinley Park Pond
Maybe you’re retired, or you have a few hours to give to our park’s pond. If you can help, or if you know of someone who can help, please email Judy. Her email is at the end of the page.
The Pond Advisory Committee for the renovation of the ponds at McKinley and William Land is looking for a Certified WIldLife Biologist to provide put on the projects because there are wild ducks/ geese/ turtles etc. involved.
We are on a short time frame to find someone and would appreciate any help. Please tell your friends about this position. The deadline for resume submission is September 8, 2014.
Primary Qualifications
1. Candidate is willing to work pro bono
2. Candidate holds a current certification as a wildlife biologist by the WildLife Society
3. Candidate has significant professional experience (government or private sector)
4. Candidate has professional experience in the Sacramento region
5. Candidate can commit adequate time to attend Pond Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings, review technical materials, proposals, and work products. The exact schedule is yet to be determined but the process is expected to take four to six months with eight to twelve committee meetings at City Hall.
Secondary Qualifications
1. Candidate has significant experience in urban pond renovation
2. Candidate has significant understanding of pond renovation construction processes
3. Candidate has an understanding of the limited and requirements associated with government public works projects.
There are several issues with this project, e.g. timing of the work to be done, water conditioning, wildlife maintenance. Ideally the biologist should live in Sacramento for convenience.
If you have any questions, please email
Judy McClaver
“Kindness feels the same to all creatures. >^..^< ”
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CM Cohn Responds to McKinley Pond Issues
“I am pleased to announce that I have made my two selections for the District 3/McKinley Park portion of the Pond Advisory Committee: Judy McClaver and Greg Lim.”
The City Council item on the July 29th agenda authorizing theCity Manager to hire a contractor for the McKinley Park and Land Park Ponds Renovation projects raised some community concerns.
I am pleased to report that the Council adopted the item with a couple of important changes I authored to address the issue that Judy McClaver and a number of other stakeholders raised concerning the timing of the renovation project and its potential effect on ducks, geese and other wildlife who frequent the pond. Here is the text of the changes that were adopted:
1. The staff proposed timeline showing a May completion date was deleted. Instead, the report now reads that “the scope and schedule of the work will be developed by the selected contractor and City staff in consultation with the [Community] Advisory Committee. City staff will continue to make every effort to ensure completion of the work as expeditiously as possible within the framework of public safety, wildlife preservation, budget, and public work standards.”
2. The staff report recommended that staff develop the scope and schedule in consultation with a community Advisory Committee comprised of city staff along with two community members from District 3 and two community members from District 4. My second amendment was to add a requirement that a Certified Wildlife Biologist approved by the City’s Director of Parks and Recreation also serve on the Advisory Committee.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that I have made my two selections for the District 3/McKinley Park portion of the Advisory Committee: Judy McClaver and Greg Lim. Most of you know both of these individuals very well through their work with neighborhood associations, Neighborhood Watch, McKinley Pond restoration and McKinley Playground renovation over the years. I have a great deal of confidence that they will provide the leadership and experience needed to guide this important renovation project. Please join me in congratulating Judy and Greg for this well deserved recognition. Then they need to get back to work . . .
I look forward to working with staff, the contractor and the Advisory Committee to design the scope of the work and getting it done. Thank you all for your interest in insuring that this important restoration project be accomplished in a manner that protects wildlife and enhances our beautiful park and surrounding community.
Steve Cohn
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