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East Sacramento Preservation
- 🌳 Volunteers Needed for McKinley Park Tree Planting!🌳 02/19/2025
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- 77 Volunteers, 16 Trees, and a Greener Future 02/03/2025
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Category Archives: McKinley Park Pond
Community Meeting—Council Member Harris to Address Pond Improvements and Safety Issues
CM Harris is hosting a community meeting on Monday, October 19th at 6:00 pm at the Clunie Community Center in the Alhambra Room. The community meeting will address McKinley Pond issues. This is an opportunity for community input on the improvements the pond committee has discussed over the last year. East Sacramento Preservation offers to head a fundraising effort to help the city raise the money needed to build a fence. Harris will address this offer at the meeting.
Posted in McKinley Park, McKinley Park Pond, Uncategorized
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McKinley Park—Duck with Dart in Beak
For those of you who have asked, Judy McClaver is trying to catch the duck. He’s wily, and been on the run for four days. Channel 3 was at the pond this AM. A short bit should run on the 5 or 6 o’clock news. Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened at McKinley. If you see anyone engaged in abusive behavior call 311 and they’ll help get park police to come out.
Posted in McKinley Park, McKinley Park Pond, Parks
Tagged duck, ducks, ducks at mckinley pond, judy mcclaver, mckinley pond, sacramento ducks
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