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Category Archives: East Portal
East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship Deadline Looming!
East Sacramento Preservation will provide a $500 scholarship to a college-bound public high school senior from East Sacramento. The scholarship will be awarded based on the applicant’s demonstrated dedication and desire to enhance his or her community. The student’s focus should be on preservation of worthy institutions, landmarks and a healthy neighborhood environment.
East Sacramento Preservation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit grass roots group. Our mission is to protect and preserve East Sacramento’s quality of life. We in East Sacramento Preservation help the community protect historic structures and classic parks. For more than 12 years, we have pushed for a safe and healthy environment in the community. We volunteer, advocate, speak out, underwrite speakers and forum, write and inform. We have wide support from the community both in and out of East Sacramento. Our supporters are concerned about honesty and sunshine in government and neighborhood preservation. We are a strong, organized neighborhood voice.
Applications are available now and are due on May 5, 2017. Winners will be notified by the end of May and the scholarship will be awarded at the East Portal Park—Pops in the Park Concert on June 3, 2017.
Basic eligibility:
Fall 2016 College Bound, Public High School Senior
Living in East Sacramento (area code 95819 and 95816—east of 30th Street)
How to apply:
2017 Application
East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship
East Sacramento Preservation offers a $500 scholarship to a college-bound public high school senior from East Sacramento. The scholarship will be awarded based on the applicant’s demonstrated dedication and desire to enhance his or her community. The student’s focus should be on preservation of worthy institutions, landmarks or the neighborhood’s environment.
Applications are due on May 5, 2017. Winners will be notified by the end of May and the scholarship will be awarded at the East Portal Park—Pops in the Park Concert on June 3, 2017.
Basic eligibility:
College Bound, Public High School Senior
Living in East Sacramento (area code 95819 and 95816—east of 30th Street)
Send your completed application to Scholarship at
Please send the following information in the body of your email:
Last Name:
First Name:
Street Address:
City, State, ZIP:
E-mail address:
Date of birth:
Current School:
College you plan to attend:
Please send your essay as an attachment to your application or in the body of the email.
Complete an essay of no more than 500 words that addresses the following:
- Tell us about yourself. What motivates you and what plans do you have for the future? What initiative have you taken to better your community? How do you plan to not only advance your community in the future, but also protect its best qualities?
- We believe that “Preservation is a letter to the future.” What role do you believe preservation plays in East Sacramento?
All applications are due on May 5, 2017.
Posted in East Portal
Tagged East Sacramento, East Sacramento Preservation Scholarship, Sacramento, scholarships
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Let’s Keep the Bluebird of Happiness
Cavity-nesting birds in East Portal Park
The drought has killed several trees in East Portal Park and I now see that many of them have been marked with an orange ring, presumably so that they can be taken down. While I recognize the need to remove any which pose a safety risk, it is also important for the city to consider the wildlife value of these very trees.
Our city is home to a wide variety of bird species, many of which breed right in town. Among those birds, some nest only in cavities in trees. For the most part the trees, which provide the best cavities for these birds, are ones which are dead or dying. I walk East Portal Park nearly every morning and have noted that at least three bird species have nested each year in cavities in trees in this park: Nuttall’s Woodpecker (a woodpecker found only along the west coast in California and Oregon), Western Bluebird, and Oak Titmouse. In particular, all three species are using cavities in some of the marked trees. (Zelkova species, I believe.) I am hopeful that the city will consider saving at least one or two of these trees.
I also understand that, besides safety issues, there is an aesthetic reason for taking down dead or dying trees. Few people actually understand that, from a wildlife perspective, these are often the most valuable trees in a forests (urban OR native forests). Many other communities have recognized this and have implemented programs to try to save some of these trees, marking them with “Wildlife Tree” signage so that the public understands why they have been saved. One example is a program in place in Orange County ( An example of the type of signage used is shown below.
I have included a few photos showing cavities which have been used by nesting birds in recent years in East Portal Park. One tree in particular has been very productive and I am hopeful that this tree, at least, can be retained. It is along M Street, just where 51st intersects.
Contributed by Ed Pandolfino, Ph.D. (former president of Western Field Ornithologists, co-author of Birds of the Sierra Nevada)
Posted in East Portal, Ed Pandolfino, Essays, Parks, Preservation District, Trees, Uncategorized
Tagged bluebirds, drought, East Portal, East Sacramento, East Sacramento Neighborhood Associations, East Sacramento Preservation, nut, trees, Urban Wildlife, woodpecker
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