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Category Archives: McKinley Village
McKinley Village Update
On April 9, 2015, the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, denied a petition challenging the city’s approval of the McKinley Village housing project as violating the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), and simultaneously expressed concern about environmental hazards that may impact future residents at the development.
As the court described it, the McKinley Village project “will place 336 new residential units on land encircled by a major freeway to the north and railroad tracks to the south, and adjacent to a former landfill. Residential units will be sited as close as 250 feet from the landfill, less than 60 feet from the freeway, and less than 90 feet from the railroad tracks.” Although the court denied the petition, the court acknowledged that ESPLC had “raised serious concerns about the wisdom of approving a residential development sandwiched between an active railroad, a former landfill, and a congested freeway.” Nonetheless, the court explained that it was constrained, in light of prior court decisions, to conclude that CEQA only requires the city “to identify the significant effects of a proposed project on the environment, not the significant effects of the environment on a proposed project.” The court, however, agreed with ESPLC that there “may be sound policy reasons why agencies should be required to analyze how the existing environment may adversely affect the future occupants of a project,” as “it may make little sense to require analysis of the health risks to residents when a freeway is built next to them, but not to require analysis of the exact same risks when new homes are built next to an existing freeway.”
Thus, although the court determined that, based on the law as it currently stands, the city did not violate CEQA by approving the project without considering the impacts of certain significant environmental hazards, serious questions remain about the impacts those hazards may have on the health and safety of future residents of McKinley Village.
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East Sacramento McKinley Village Construction Starts
This is a reprint from The Sacramento Business Journal
Grading beginning at McKinley Village infill project
- Ben van der Meer
- Staff Writer-Sacramento Business Journal
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Infill housing project McKinley Village has gotten underway, but it’ll be months still before most people notice anything going up on the Sacramento site.
Megan Norris of development groupRiverview Capital Investments said in the next week, grading equipment will get moving on the property, which will eventually have 336 homes, a community center with pool, and parks and community gardens.
Norris, a vice president at Riverview, said the grading phase should last a few weeks and be followed by beginning work on infrastructure, such as sewer, water and other utility lines below ground, whichTeichert Construction will handle. Streets would follow on the site, which is a former orchard southeast of Business 80 and north of east Sacramento.
“We’re working on the permits for the rec center and model homes,” she said, adding construction could begin on those parts by the end of the year, and could be fully built by late spring or early summer of 2015. The first home sales would begin around that time, and The New Home scheduled to be the builder.
Though the project went through a lengthy review process before approval, interest from potential residents hasn’t flagged. Norris said inquiries about when McKinley Village homes would be for sale on the project’s website have risen in the last couple months, and she also gets calls regularly.
Not everyone may be happy the project is breaking ground. A group of East Sacramento residents, concerned primarily about traffic from McKinley Village affecting their neighborhood, filed a lawsuit earlier this year against the project. Though there was a settlement conference Monday between those plaintiffs and the defendants, there was no resolution and the suit remains active, Norris said.
For those involved in the project’s planning, the start of grading is a highly anticipated step, Norris said.
“Everyone is very enthusiastic to see it come to fruition,” she said.
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