Category Archives: Events

Creating a Bee Friendly Habitat

Pollinator Talk at New Era Garden on July 29

Julie Serences will be giving a talk about bees and other pollinators on July 29 at 9:30 am at the New Era Community Garden, 208 26th St. (nearest cross street is C Street). Come and find out why bees are the best pollinators and explore native bee life cycles, among other fascinating topics. Julie will give a short talk and then we will do a walk through the garden to (hopefully) “hear” buzz pollination and see bee tongues on squash. Julie does a wonderful job of making the information accessible to all ages.

All ages are welcome. No pets, please. Please consider walking or riding your bike–we have very limited parking available. Try to park on C Street if at all possible. For more information please contact Tiffanie at

Julie Serences is an educator with over 25 years of experience working with preschoolers to adults. Her workshops focus on teaching people to be land stewards of their own outdoor spaces by learning how to meet the habitat needs of the creatures around us. Julie became fascinated with native bees while researching native plants for her own backyard restoration eight years ago. She came to realize how important honeybees and native bee populations are to the life cycle of plants and other creatures in the garden. As she says,” they are the keystone species in our gardens.”

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Great Kid Activity––Dragon Fly Day!

Dragonfly Day!!
Don’t miss it!! We’re going dragonfly hunting–one of the most popular FORB activities of the year–on Saturday, August 11. Greg K, our favorite dragonfly expert, will give a short talk and then we’ll go down to the river to find and identify dragonflies, damselflies, and anything else that happens to fly or crawl by (the gorgeous damselfly below is from the Klamath River–we won’t be seeing that one but there are always lots of our local beauties around).

We’ll start an hour later than usual, at 10 am, to give the dragonflies a chance to wake up. Meet at the Sutter’s Landing parking lot at the very end of 28th Street. Bring water, sunblock, and binoculars…we’ll supply insect nets. And it’s always a good idea to bring a change of clothes for little ones, who cannot resist the sand and mud. Try to walk, bike, or carpool if possible–we want to minimize the carbon footprint of our activities. And please leave your dogs at home. All ages are welcome, please pass this invitation on.

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