Category Archives: Events

East Sacramento Waste Day Changes

Beginning July 1, 2013 there will be several changes to residential waste collection in the City of Sacramento.  As a result of these changes there will be no rate increases for recycling and solid waste services through June 2015.

·        Every Other Week Recycling – all residential customers will either be on an A or B week schedule for recycling collection.   You can “Find Your Service Day” and download the free Sac311 App to get text alerts or email reminders for your recycle collection week at

·        Service Day Changes – collection days in certain parts of the City will be changing.  A notice confirming your recycle week and service day was sent at the end of May. You can also use our “Find Your Service Day” tool at or call 311 to confirm your collection day.

·        Containerized Yard Waste – all residential customers will be required to use a container for weekly yard waste collection.  Containers are automatically being delivered in the month of June to those customers who do not currently have one yet and weekly service will begin the week of July 1. Your service day will be the same as your garbage day. The city will no longer collect loose yard waste piles in the street except during leaf season.  For former year-round loose-in-the-street customers the last week of street collection will be June 24, 2013.

·        Leaf Season – Citywide loose-in-the-street collection of yard waste piles will occur November through January. Customers will be able to use their yard waste container for weekly pickup as well as place extra material out in a loose pile on the street in front of their residence during leaf season only.

·        Appointment Based Neighborhood Clean-Up Returns – all residential customers will be able to make one free appointment a year for the pickup of any bulky items including excessive yard waste. Program details are available at Residents can call 311 or visit to request an appointment.

·        Free Dump Coupon – Starting in July, residents will be able to call 311 to request one free dump coupon to self-haul a load of waste to the Sacramento Recycling and Transfer Station.

More information on all these changes is available at or call 311 if you have questions.

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A Park for Our Future: The Sutter’s Landing Vision

Neighbors in Midtown started this project as soon as the city closed the dump. For years park activists worked to convert the landfill and build up the park area. The tipping point has come for the project. On Wednesday there will be a meeting with city officials to decide the future of the park. The neighborhood’s vision is this: an inner city gateway to the American River, bike access, interpretive areas, kid friendly nature access, river habitat, and more. Come to the public meeting to convince our elected officials to make healthy choices for our city –– “Future Planning and Development at Sutter’s Landing Park” will be held on Wednesday, June 19th, from 7-8:30 at the skateboard park at Sutter’s Landing (next to the parking lot at the very end of 28th St.).    Below is the vision design and a note from Friends of Sutter’s Landing.

Please take time out of your busy schedule to attend a community meeting that will help decide the future of Sutter’s Landing Park. “Future Planning and Development at Sutter’s Landing Park” will be held on Wednesday, June 19th, from 7-8:30 at the skateboard park at Sutter’s Landing (next to the parking lot at the very end of 28th St.). This is your chance to let Councilman Steve Cohn and the City know what the park means to you and your family, and to encourage further restoration and enhancement of the natural environment to create a world-class nature-centered park in the heart of Sacramento. Numbers of voices count at this meeting! Let’s not look back in years to come and bemoan what could have been because we did not take the time to speak out for a nature-centered park at Sutter’s Landing. Please attend and spread the word!


Friends of Sutter’s Landing (FOSL) and Friends of the River Banks (FORB) created a vision for Sutter’s Landing Park that focuses on protecting and enhancing the natural habitat values there. This could be an exciting nature-centered park, the Gateway to the American River, with gathering places, trails for hiking and biking, canoe/kayak launch, amphitheater, nature center,the Two Rivers Trail and much more. We have the creative vision and we need the City to see that this is possible and desired by residents. See the vision map .

We are at an important crossroads for Sutter’s Landing Park. The current master plan for the area is outdated and largely obsolete. The City can’t afford a new master plan so this community meeting will help set the direction for future park development. If we are to create the spectacular “Gateway to the American River” that this area can become, we need to protect what is there and work toward a larger vision. Active recreation such as soccer fields, basketball courts and BMX tracks can be sited in any park, but this special riparian habitat along the American River, home to all manner of wildlife, cannot be re-created. It is a unique treasure in our community..With Sutter’s Landing located on a former landfill, we know the park presents unique challenges, but they can be overcome, as we have found several examples of successfully converted landfills. Let’s have our voices be heard and encourage the City to respect and enhance the wild area in our urban midst. Do it for yourself and future generations, as well as for the benefit of the land and wildlife.

Please come to the meeting on Wednesday, June 19, at 7 pm and add your voice to those who value Sutter’s Landing for its fabulous potential as an oasis of nature in our urban environment. Bring the whole family and encourage others to attend. It is critical that we have a large and vocal presence at this meeting. Other interests will be represented, as well. We are encouraging everyone who shares our vision to wear green shirts. Spread the news! Thank you and I hope to see you there.

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