East Sacramento Preservation Update
McKinley Village
Mid-October is the anticipated release date for the draft Environmental Impact Report for the McKinley Village Project. ESP continues to work to inform the neighborhood. Following are some of our efforts on the McKinley Village issue.
We need help on all of these efforts. Please call if you can help. (457-2725)
Informing Neighbors
Facebook – East Sacramento Preservation
Use of automated mail service
Organizing a petition
Organizing an EIR flyer – calling for responses after the draft is released
Government Contact
Continued outreach to our representatives
(ESP has already met with every councilmember to discuss the issue.)
Continued work with city employees to monitor the process
NGO Contacts
Contacting organizations for input on air quality, flood, noise and traffic
ESP continues to build a coalition with other neighborhood groups
Forthcoming Fundraising
Spaghetti Dinner
Entertainment Books
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