Monthly Archives: July 2015

Insist on Trees

SONY DSCOur mother insisted on trees. She made a little village under the Christmas tree every year, and the village had to be crowded with tiny trees. She was from the Midwest and said, “Believe me, you don’t want to live without trees.” This gave me the notion that the Midwest was a vast and barren Arabia-like wasteland where people moved listlessly, blinded by a burning glob of unfiltered sun. My little brother Michael liked to watch the Christmas village go up, and one year he was allowed to help put in the trees. Every little house had at least two trees, and taller trees were placed behind them, to suggest the nearness of a great forest. My mother said Michael was the best tree placer she had ever seen, and had made the village come alive. The trees, she said, turned plain little houses into snug beautiful homes.

SONY DSCWhen we went on vacations we would clamber into the station wagon and head to the Calaveras Big Trees or to our aunt and uncle’s cabin in the mountains. When we got there we ran around screaming, hiding, climbing, and having multiple false sightings of bears. We brought our high-pitched childish intoxication to the quiet, tall forest, but in time its grandeur subdued us, and we walked the little trails, waded in the thrilling chill of the river, breathed in the air of pine and fir. When we went home our parents eased our re-entry crisis by letting us camp in the back yard. We looked at the moon through the leaves of the apricot tree and told scary stories. By midnight we were back in the house, having terrified ourselves into seeing ghouls with glittering eyes crouching in the Toniola’s vegetable garden next door.

We knew to value trees. They shaded us, they brought natural beauty to the humblest street, they resided with stately permanence over our hectic comings and goings. We were never to put a nail in one, strip its bark, or let it go thirsty. I didn’t know then that trees filtered the very air for us, but I know it now.

It’s a commonplace but valid observation that you often don’t realize how much you love something until you lose it. We moved away from old, historic East Sac and into the burbs when I was twelve. Our new development had roomy houses and nice neighbors, but no trees. Lawns were being put in and there were numerous sticks with a frail leaf or two attached. Baby trees, my mother said. I asked how long it would take them to grow. Thirty years? I did a bleak calculation. I would be forty-two when the trees turned the stretch of bare houses into an East Sacramento-like street of shaded homes. “I’ll be nearly dead,” I said mournfully. This provoked considerable merriment from my parents who, I thought, were getting too much enjoyment from my sufferings.

The first treeless summer was hard. There was nowhere to hide from the sun. By now I had entered full and histrionic adolescence and become hypersensitive to everything, including the air itself which I claimed stunk like charred fish. I was somewhat right on this one: dust, continued excavation, exhaust, and the treeless void combined to make our suburban air putrid with toxins. It was the start of a life-long battle with asthma. This is one reason I presently feel sorry for people who might live in the McKinley Village basin: they’re going to inhale a bombardment of poisons from auto and train emissions, and the sad stick trees won’t help them.

I moved back to East Sac in my forties, (not so decrepit as I imagined at thirteen) back to the world of large, sheltering, old growth trees. There’s a reason our area is so desirable, and those trees enveloping well-made craftsman and modern architecture houses are it. Yes, super-sized Mac-mansions, overbuilt to a grotesque degree, threaten us, but we have ways to resist. I think we should use them. I think if our shaded streets are preserved, our people will always want to come home. For this reason many East Sacramentans unstintingly support the coalition of citizens who fight to preserve the tree canopy at Capitol Towers. These people know what brings enduring value to this city. I will be proud to join them.

Pat Lynch

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Sacramento Bee Publishes Surprising Opinion


Good Morning ESP Members and Friends:

Much to my surprise, I read a pro-preservation editorial in the Bee today. I immediately responded with the the following letter to the editor. Please, it’s easy to write a letter to the editor. If you have the time write one today. Maybe the Bee is coming around and will help the city neighborhoods.
My letter to the editor:

Shawn Hubler cut straight to the chase. Years of city council visits, lawn signs, letters and petitions have fallen on deaf city council ears. Here is a newer citizen who points out the value of preserving our history and heritage. She sees the uniqueness and importance of keeping it safe. The new developments in Sacramento must go forward with out stripping the city of heritage homes and full growth canopy.  Wake up city! Save and preserve the best of Sacramento. Put money and attention into our parks and neighborhoods.

Here’s the link to write a letter to the editor:

One of our first orders of business when we moved to Sacramento was to tour the old Governor’s Mansion. It was closing for renovation, and we wanted to know what Nancy Reagan had meant by “fire trap.” Also, it was across the street from our new place.

We had come from Southern California, where the past is almost never your neighbor. Los Angeles can’t go five years without reconstituting its whole landscape. Orange County’s idea of “history” is South Coast Plaza before they opened the Nordstrom.

You don’t look out your front window in either place and see 138-year-old Victorian mansions outfitted with Gov. Edmund G. “Pat” Brown’s silverware and Gov. Hiram Johnson’s old sofa.

So over we trooped, hoping to tap into Old California, or at least check out the current governor’s youthful digs.

I’m not going to lie: There’s a certain Gladys Kravitz-like satisfaction in snooping through that kind of landmark. It was more fun than it should have been, imagining Gov. Jerry Brown as a student, parking his collegiate suitcase in his father’s gubernatorial home.

We marveled at his mother’s old gowns and smiled at the claw-foot tub that his kid sister had given red toenails. We admired the antique kitchen and the table where President John F. Kennedy had once eaten supper.

But you could see why Nancy Reagan would eventually nix it. Tapping into Old California is one thing, but living day to day with the smell of its mothballs takes dedication. And the area was in serious decline by the time Ronald Reagan came to town.

Even now, amid gentrification, the neighborhood is hardly what it was when that big white house, with its peaked roofs and its black wrought iron fencing, was the nicest home in Sacramento. Midtown is rebounding, but after nightfall, you can still hear drunks over there, doing heaven-knows-what against its jasmine hedge.

Crazy bicyclists careen down the sidewalks. Mentally ill people hide in the shadows, yelling at their voices. The other morning, a barefoot, bare-chested homeless man wrapped in a white blanket wandered back and forth in front of the gate, chewing a pigeon feather.

“My name is Elizabeth,” the poor soul said.

Nonetheless, I hope Brown makes good on the statement, issued recently by his office, that he might use the mansion, now a state park, as an official in-town residence again when the renovations are done.

It’s unlikely, I know. Brown will be a short-timer by the time the work ends, and it’s a big house for just two people and two dogs. But it’s a beautiful building, getting prettier every day under the ministrations of its hard-hatted work crews. Making it more lively might hasten the comeback at our end of midtown, the way it has classed up the block where Brown and his wife stay now when they’re not home in Oakland.

Mostly, though, Brown should come back because the old mansion, like the governor himself, exemplifies one of the most-often-forgotten aspects of California – that the future isn’t the only thing that informs our identity, or all that we value.

Even here in the land of supposed fresh starts, we are who we are at least in part because of all those who came before us. That’s a valuable reminder for the parts of the state where it’s considered a faux pas to let your roots show: History is with us, whether we treasure it or resist it or call it a firetrap – or sit across the street, watching it unfold.

Shawn Hubler: 916-321-1646@ShawnHubler

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