Tag Archives: ESIA

McKinley Village Dates and Neighborhood Groups Responses

McKinley Village

Meetings pertaining to McKinley Village and a message from East Sacramento Preservation:

ESP encourages you to attend all meetings to let your voice be heard.

MENA Special Board Meeting–5:30 pm, October 16th, Clunie Community Center

ESIA General Meeting – 7 pm, October 16th at the Clunie Community Center


Thursday, October 24, 5:30

Hosted by City of Sacramento New City Hall

915 I Street, 1st Floor, Sacramento, CA

Draft Environment Impact Report

October 26 (expected release date)

ESP will have comments and information

East Sacramento Preservation Fundraiser

All proceeds to go to education on McKinley Village Development

Call for tickets (916) 849-6421

Friday October 25, 2013, 5-8 PM

57 Caverna

836 – 57th

Between H and J Streets

When a community faces a potential problem neighbor input and activism is critical. ESP has a charter that includes community education. Our efforts on the McKinley Village proposed project focus on educating the community about what’s happening and how the development will affect the neighborhood.

Our position on the project remains, NO AS PROPOSED.

We are hopeful that the developers will listen to the neighborhood and make changes that address traffic issues, flood concerns and the way that the project does not meet “smart growth” standards.

ESP will continue to get the word out to the community, to help neighbors participate and get their voices heard.

Other East Sacramento groups have responded to the issue. Below is a summary of the organized groups that we know of, and their response to McKinley Village.

Neighbors United For Smart Growth

This group of concerned citizens has an informative website devoted solely to McKinley Village. The group is concerned about the potentially negative consequences on our quality of life, traffic levels, schools and the environment brought on by the McKinley Village project

Love East Sac

These are neighbors dedicated to protecting the culture and quality of life of the neighborhoods of East Sacramento. They have met with the developers in a small “neighbors” group and use Facebook to report their efforts.

McKinley East Sacramento Neighborhood Association

This neighborhood group has adopted a wait and see approach to the project. They have a forthcoming meeting that should help explain their position.

East Sacramento Improvement Association

At this time ESIA has not taken a position for or against, and but continues to gather information. Their upcoming meeting should help clarify their efforts.

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